Ask any marketing operations professional what their biggest challenges are and you're likely to hear grumblings about data. Take for instance a scenario in which you're getting ready to deliver a marketing campaign to 3,000 of your target accounts. You have the right messages and creative lined up, but when it comes to ensuring that you have the right information about your buyers, you realize that you're missing accounts and people. Plus, you don't know which accounts are in-market, you have incorrect lead data, and many contacts are not opted into your emails. What now? You've just wasted your efforts before you've even gotten started.
Marketing operations leaders have a significant responsibility of enabling their marketing teams to deliver effective marketing programs that drive pipeline and revenue for the sales organization. To accomplish this, marketing operations leaders must deliver cross-channel programs that allow marketing teams to meet buyers with the right content in the channel of their choice.
The key to achieving this goal is a solid, always-on database strategy that drives and influences pipeline for today and tomorrow.
What Does it Mean to Have an Always-on Database Marketing Strategy?
An always-on database marketing strategy involves:
- Receiving clean, compliant, and accurate data across all marketing channels in near real-time.
- Having a strategy to build out buying groups, identify missing accounts and people, and maintaining at least an 85% marketable database.
- Running highly targeted programs against accounts and people as they move through the marketing funnel, allowing marketing teams to spend efficiently by focusing on in-market accounts.
- Helping to back-fill those individuals who have changed companies, ensuring that the contacts on the account stay up to date and relevant.
Key Advantages of an Always-On Database Marketing Strategy
Having an always-on database strategy with clean data provides significant benefits. First, you can be confident that you have usable, reliable data in your marketing operation systems or CRM. You can use that clean data to target those potential buyers with the right content, when they want it. Clean, accurate company and contact data helps marketers better understand their available market, and fuels effective segmentation and go-to-market strategies. It offers a faster time to value with leads to be followed up by SDRs (sales development reps) or sales. And finally, you can regularly report on marketing's impact on the business by showing both sourced and influenced pipeline.
Other benefits of having an always-on database strategy with clean data include:
- A steady flow of clean lead data from all marketing channels.
- Fully compliant and governed data.
- Ability to deliver the right people that the sales team cares about which enables a better alignment with sales.
- A strategy to deal with contacts moving from company to company.
- Monitoring demand funnel conversion rates to ensure an efficient throughput.
- Enabling the accurate routing of leads, ensuring that your data abides by the rules you put in place, such as service level agreements (SLAs) and rules of engagement (ROEs) with marketing, sales development reps (SDRs), and the sales organization.
- Implementation of enrichment and routing technologies to ensure that your data is up to date and assigned to the right person and account.
- Focus not only on the account or lead but also on the buying group and total buying group engagement.
Achieving an Always-On Database Strategy
Integrate helps you bridge the data quality gap by ensuring that your cross-channel leads, including content syndication, events, and display, are clean, compliant, de-duped, governed, and meet your specific requirements on job titles and accounts. We ensure a consistent flow of fully accurate, high-quality leads that align with your key accounts in the buying groups you are focusing on. We allow you to understand what channels are driving engagement on your key accounts, helping you make informed decisions on where to invest your marketing dollars.
An always-on database marketing strategy with clean data is crucial for marketing operations leaders to deliver effective marketing programs that drive pipeline and revenue for the sales organization. It provides a steady flow of clean lead data from all marketing channels, fully compliant and governed data, and alignment with sales teams, among other benefits. Integrate can help bridge the data quality gap by ensuring that your cross-channel leads are clean, compliant, and aligned with your key accounts. Book a demo to see how.