buyer driven b2b marketing

What does buyer-driven really mean?

In the words of Lori Wizdo, Forrester analyst – it’s a great time to be a B2B marketer. In these 3 videos, Lori Wizdo digs into marketers’ strategic opportunity as go-to-customer experts and what it truly means to move to a buyer-driven approach.

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2020 was a year of extraordinary disruption, exposing critical weaknesses. In businesses and industries worldwide, including B2B marketing. Overnight, everything shifted to remote, to digital, to a new way of researching and conducting business. This new world underscored that there is only one process: it’s the buyer’s process. And B2B marketers must shift their effort to organizing around the buyer and the organizations they represent.

Buyers are our new boss

A 3-Part Series on How B2B Marketers Can Thrive in a Buyer-Driven World

We talked with Lori Wizdo, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester, to learn more about what this shift means for marketers. Watch these 3 short videos to dive into:

  • Why B2B marketers must become buyer-driven
  • How to adapt in the new era of B2B marketing
  • The 10 essential elements of a buyer-driven B2B strategy

Part 1

Why B2B Marketing Must Become Buyer-Driven

Understand the shift in the B2B marketing landscape and what that means for how marketers interact with the buyer.

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Part 2

Adapting in the New Era of B2B Marketing

Learn how today’s marketers are evaluating how to not only be buyer-driven, but create a strategy that is always-on, data-driven, and scalable.

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Part 3

The Path Forward for a Buyer-Driven Marketing Strategy

Assess how marketers can begin to adopt a buyer-driven strategy by analyzing their efforts across 5 key pillars.

Watch Video


It’s the role of marketing to guide the buyer through the buyer’s journey.

Excerpt from “How B2B Marketers Can Thrive in a Buyer-Driven World” video series

Lori Wizdo

VP, Principal Analyst


An Intelligent Strategy for Marketing Plans in 2021

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